Plasticboy Markdown
Markdown-drawer is pretty cool if you have to navigate large files. Still early stages but works reasonably well. Still early stages but works reasonably well. I haven't decided if I'll keep it because folding gets me 90% of the way without this.
Plasticboy Markdown
' tabular ' # text aligning, must be before vim-markdown # vim-markdow - better markdown syntax + link follow # gx - open link, ge - edit link # - move between headers # Toc, TableFormat ' plasticboy-vim-markdown ' ' airline ' # colorful statusbar ' YouCompleteMe ' # auto complete, inteli completion ' syntastic ' # show errors for. Ben Williams' blog about technology, Linux, digital music, veganism, and a little politics. Markdown Vim Mode; Month: May 2020. A plant-based, low.
I'm using Vim in a terminal on my MacBook Air with OS X Lion, and I can't seem to find a good plugin for Markdown syntax highlighting.
So far I've tried the plasticboy plugin and Tim Pope's plugin. The plasticboy plugin worked OK but was causing white space at the end of lines to be highlighted, and I haven't figured out how to turn that off. (It's really annoying, because every time I hit space
when I'm writing it highlights the character.)
Tim's plugin didn't seem to do very much in the way of highlighting, other than maybe headers that use ###
. Code blocks and bullets are ignored. I might be missing something there. I do use the .md
extension on my Markdown files, so it should be picking up the filetype.

Plasticboy/vim-markdown 设定
I've also seen a reference to Vim 7.3 having Markdown support built in, but without one of those two plugins I don't get any highlighting at all.
Plasticboy/vim-markdown 使い方
Do either of these require specific color schemes to work?