Photo Sense

  1. Photo Sensors For Outdoor Lighting
  2. Photosensitive
  3. Picture Of Your Five Senses
  4. Photo Sense Photography

Photo Sense makes your photos look better while saving your time on tedious photo editing tasks. It advocates the automatic-first workflow: instead of adjusting every image manually, it enhances all photos automatically, and offers effective tools to customize the results as much as you wish. In this photo the long pathway is set on a curve. The leading lines converge into the distance together with the curve. This creates a slightly more subtle composition than straight converging lines, but it still acts to enforce a strong sense of depth in the image. Sense Stock Photos and Images hand caressing the ears Icon set of five human senses: vision (eye), smell (nose), hearing (ear), touch (hand), taste (mouth with tongue). Simple line icons and color circles, vector illustration.

Version 1.5


HRM transformation: a wound diameter of 0 results in no wound correction.
Pulse compression: support for a second sap flow pulse compression model.


MacOS Big Sur Compatibility.

Version 1.4


New 'Time Shift' transformation: shift any channel forwards or backwards in time. Great for calculations incorporating past values (in combination with the Equation transformation).
New 'Diameter Variation Statistics +' transformation: also calculate daily gain and loss integrals with respect to the growth line.
New 'Pulse Compression' transformation: compress sap flow pulses using a pulse compression model.
New 'Pulse Decompression' transformation: decompress compressed sap flow pulses into standard temperature measurements.
Dynagage transformation: delayed calculations of 1 hour when data gaps > 30 minutes are detected.
HRM transformation: specify temperature ratio period start and duration.
HRM transformation: calculate sap flow directly from compressed pulse data.
PhytoClip transformation: calculation error values: (-10: failed to autodetect sensor serial number, -20: no sensor connected, -30: bad temperature, -40: not within calibration range (too small), -50: not within calibration range (too large)).
Notifications: make any notification an administrator notification (for administrator users only). All administrator users will be notified when such a notification is triggered.
Notifications: new 'Particle log' and 'Integration log' notifications (for administrator users only). Get server log messages for Particle devices and Integrations.
Notifications: new 'Device type' notification. Triggered when a certain channel of ANY device of this type meets the trigger criteria.
Dashboard graph curve context menu shortcuts to switch Y-axis and enable/disable curve line, symbol and fill (right click on curve legend item).
5 new curve symbols: Plus, Cross, Star 1, Star 2 and Hexagon.
Day/night zones on dashboard graphs (based on the location and time zone of the setup: Settings > Setup).


PhytoClip transformation: temperature and calibration coefficients are now autodetected continuously (not only when the transformation is created).
Default dashboard graph curve symbol and fill colour is now identical to the line colour (for new curves).
Opacity of the default dashboard graph curve fill colour is now 25% (for new curves).


When selecting graph curve colours, the colour selection dialog now stays on top.
Always keep the navigation bar scroll bar visible (Mac fix, use together with System Preferences > General > Show scroll bars > Always).

Version 1.3


Transformations: PhytoClip transformation
Integrations: 30MHz push and pull integration
Integrations: DeltaLINK Cloud pull integration
User permissions: allows pasting text in the 'scope column' to select an item from the drop down menu


Exported values now respect the system settings for the decimal symbol (. or ,)


Problem not showing 'add transformation' button when users have setup write permissions
Problem with missing data while exporting

Version 1.2


Integrations: push or pull data to and from external webservices
In-app support requests (if enabled for your account)


Permission changes to allow users with setup write permissions to add new transformations and change data mappings
Dynagage Ksh interval start time can now be negative (e.g. -4 is 20:00 the previous day)
The Particle configuration edit button is moved to below the list of Particle devices
Improved application load time
Usernames with spaces are no longer permitted


Fixed a problem with the font size of combobox permission and data mapping items
Reduced the device transformation dialog box height
Fixed bug in search for data mappings

Version 1.1


Improved application and setup load time
Sorting, search and filtering throughout the application
Setups can be duplicated
Setups can have a location (latitude, longitude, altitude)
Start date/time of a setup can now be changed
Devices can have a location (latitude, longitude, altitude)
Dynagage transformation: a fixed Ksh can now be specified
Plant types can be specified
Plants with attached devices can be added to setups
Plant properties: type, location, height, length
Clear warnings when devices and plants are used in multiple setups
Support for Particle devices (last contact, configurations, commands, log)
Easily switch between Particle device and corresponding data mapping
Show last data and last contact data/time for data mappings


Account names are now shown as: [organisation full name] ([username])
Add existing device: link
Add existing device: duplicate device (no data, no transformations)
Add existing device: duplicate device and data (no transformations)
Add existing device: duplicate device and transformations (no data)
Add existing device: duplicate device, data and transformations
Dynagage transformation: use minimum value instead of average in Ksh interval


Fixed problem with device transformation data not updating on dashboard graphs
Lists in the setup settings dialog now respond to up and down key presses
The selected item in the main navigation bar is now being remembered when editing the setup settings
Problem with Dynagage transformation when no useful channels are available
Warning when closing the data mapping editing dialog
Fixed problem with passwords containing percentage characters
Some GUI elements now resize according to their text content
Various other GUI fixes

Version 1.0


All data on dashboard graphs can now be exported (button in upper right corner of the graph)
Device transformation 'Filter': automatically remove values above or below a certain threshold
Account list is now sorted
Added a 'Remove' button to the dashboards drop down menu
Location on the dashboard is now remembered when switching dashboards
Last used setup for each account is now remembered
Added support for sensor node commands


More robust data fetching mechanism


Account switching problem for accounts located on different servers
Years with system preferences YY are now accepted as 20XX instead of 19XX

Version 0.9


Model support: visualize results from online simulated and calibrated models (any PhytoSim model can now run in PhytoSense)
Device transformation 'Diameter Variation Correction': autocorrect diameter variation signals (removes sudden jumps)
Device transformation 'Diameter Variation Statistics': automatically calculate daily growth and maximum daily shrinkage


HRM probe spacing and wound diameter can now take any value
Shared dashboards can only be renamed when they are unlocked
More details on what 'Channel' means in the equation of the tooltip of an equation transformation


Fixed a problem with the tooltips of combined devices
Fixed problems with graphs not showing data despite it being there
Fixed a problem with the time controls when switching between setups

Photo Sensors For Outdoor Lighting

Version 0.8


Toolbar button to reload the data of the currently visible graphs
Multiple dashboards (click the Add button on the Dashboards > Shared or Dashboards > Private navigation bar item)
Create combined devices which are combinations of channels of other devices
Minimum and low flow check for Dynagage transformation
Ability to specify a minimum interval between two transformation calculations
About dialog (Help > About (Windows) or PhytoSense > About PhytoSense (Mac))


Improved setup configuration system
Setups are now sorted in the drop-down box


Improved 'busy' cursor
Fixed a problem where the export download dialog remained on the screen when cancelling the export
Fixed a problem where the graph settings dialog would disappear behind the main window

Version 0.7



Performance improvement: (detailed) data is only downloaded when it is needed for visualisation
Notification system: get notified when data values breach certain thresholds
Notification system: get notified when the data flow of a certain device is interrupted/restored
Notification system: get notified about new server/gateway messages (admin users only)


Reworked the data export system to always download all the to-be-exported data first


Selecting a device category in the 'Devices' section now shows an empty page

Version 0.6


Device transformation 'Hrm': calculates heat pulse and sap velocities based on HRM (heat ratio method) temperature measurements
Time control buttons to jump to the previous/next time interval (when Live mode is off)
Gateway log messages can now be copied to the clipboard
For admin users: Organisation server log messages
For admin users: Database analytics
For admin users: API analytics


Devices in the 'Devices' section are now organized according to their device category and sorted alphabetically
Devices in the 'Sensor Network' section are now sorted alphabetically


Fixed various issues with special character units like °C and %
Dashboards no longer crash when transformations are plotted which have been removed
Dashboard colour selection dialogs are no longer covered by the dashboard graph settings dialog
Fixed a problem with duplicate curves when dragging newly created transformations to a dashboard graph

Version 0.5


Dashboards with custom graphs (supporting channels and/or transformations from multiple devices on the same graph)
One 'Shared' dashboard per setup: visible to all users with read acces to that setup. Users with write access to that setup can unlock and modify the dashboard.
One 'Private' dashboard per setup: private for each user


Permission problem caused by the device type channel unit validation

Version 0.4


Plot settings
Ability to add device transformations to any device for which you have write access
Device transformations 'Average': calculates the average of the data values within a specified time window
Device transformations 'Combine': combines data from several channels into one channel
Device transformations 'Cumulate': cumulates the data values within a specified time window
Device transformations 'Dynagage': calculates sap flow from raw Dynagage measurements
Device transformations 'Equation': applies an arbitrary equation to all the data points of the selected channel
Device transformations 'Integrate': calculates the surface below the curve between the data points within a specified time window
Device transformations 'Maximum': determines the maximum value within a specified time window
Device transformations 'Minimum': determines the minimum value within a specified time window
Device transformations 'Moving Average': calculates a moving average of the data values within a specified time window
Device transformations 'Remove': allows to remove parts of the selected channel data
Device transformations 'Sum': calculates the total sum of the data values within a specified time window
Real-time validation of device channel units
Device channel ids are now shown in the tooltips on the navigation bar
Sensors can now be directly attached to gateways
'Enable debug mode' gateway command: switch on debug mode for a limited duration


Live update interval is now set to 10 seconds
Devices in a setup can now have the same name
Improved data export accuracy


Fixed problem with setup device renaming (false duplicates)
Fixed a problem with the value inspector at the exact time of a measurement
Fixed a problem with adding data to a new and empty device
Switching accounts now also updates the status bar
Fixed a graph clearing issue when no channels are present

Version 0.3


Easier switching between accounts
Value inspector slider


Logout did not clear the setup selection box
Exporting of single-channel data now works again

Version 0.2




Devices no longer have an editable name

Version 0.1.1


Admin users can now change their own permissions


Fixed a problem with an incorrect begin and end date/time being set for devices without data
Settings dialog is no longer 'empty' when it is opened for the first time

Version 0.1

Initial release

Conceptual through-beam system to detect unauthorized access to a secure door. If the beam is interrupted, the detector triggers an alarm.

A photoelectric sensor is a device used to determine the distance, absence, or presence of an object by using a light transmitter, often infrared, and a photoelectric receiver. They are largely used in industrial manufacturing. There are three different useful types: opposed (through-beam), retro-reflective, and proximity-sensing (diffused).


A self-contained photoelectric sensor contains the optics, along with the electronics. It requires only a power source. The sensor performs its own modulation, demodulation, amplification, and output switching. Some self-contained sensors provide such options as built-in control timers or counters. Because of technological progress, self-contained photoelectric sensors have become increasingly smaller.

Remote photoelectric sensors used for remote sensing contain only the optical components of a sensor. The circuitry for power input, amplification, and output switching is located elsewhere, typically in a control panel. This allows the sensor, itself, to be very small. Also, the controls for the sensor are more accessible, since they may be bigger.

When space is restricted or the environment too hostile even for remote sensors, fibre optics may be used. Fibre optics are passive mechanical sensing components. They may be used with either remote or self-contained sensors. They have no electrical circuitry and no moving parts, and can safely pipe light into and out of hostile environments.[1]

Sensing modes[edit]

A through-beam arrangement consists of a receiver located within the line-of-sight of the transmitter. In this mode, an object is detected when the light beam is blocked from getting to the receiver from the transmitter.

A retroreflective arrangement places the transmitter and receiver at the same location and uses a reflector to bounce the inverted light beam back from the transmitter to the receiver. An object is sensed when the beam is interrupted and fails to reach the receiver.

A proximity-sensing (diffused) arrangement is one in which the transmitted radiation must reflect off the object in order to reach the receiver. In this mode, an object is detected when the receiver sees the transmitted source rather than when it fails to see it. As in retro-reflective sensors, diffuse sensor emitters and receivers are located in the same housing. But the target acts as the reflector so that detection of light is reflected off the disturbance object. The emitter sends out a beam of light (most often a pulsed infrared, visible red, or laser) that diffuses in all directions, filling a detection area. The target then enters the area and deflects part of the beam back to the receiver. Detection occurs and output is turned on or off when sufficient light falls on the receiver.

Some photo-eyes have two different operational types, light operate and dark operate. The light operates photo eyes become operational when the receiver 'receives' the transmitter signal. Dark operate photo eyes become operational when the receiver 'does not receive' the transmitter signal.

The detecting range of a photoelectric sensor is its 'field of view', or the maximum distance from which the sensor can retrieve information, minus the minimum distance. A minimum detectable object is the smallest object the sensor can detect. More accurate sensors can often have minimum detectable objects of minuscule size.

Certain types of smoke detector use a photoelectric sensor to warn of smouldering fires.

Picture Of Your Five Senses

Difference between modes[edit]

  • Most accurate
  • Longest sensing range
  • Very reliable
  • Must install at two points on system: emitter and receiver
  • May not detect translucent objects
  • False triggers when misaligned.
  • Only slightly less accurate than through-beam
  • Sensing range better than diffuse
  • Very reliable
  • Must install at two points on the system: sensor and reflector
  • Slightly more costly than diffuse
  • Sensing range less than through-beam
  • May not detect objects with high albedo
  • Single point installation
  • Good for detecting small objects
  • Clearly defined sensing ranges
  • Very reliable
  • Blind to objects outside specified range
  • Not good for mirror finishes
  • Only install at one point
  • Cost less than through-beam or reflective
  • Less accurate than through-beam or reflective
  • More setup time involved

See also[edit]


  1. ^'Types of sensors'(PDF). Retrieved 2020-01-11.
  2. ^'Selection guide'(PDF). Retrieved 2020-01-11.

External links[edit]

Photo Sense Photography

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Photoelectric sensors.
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